Together we can Build a better Louisville

  • Vote George Colbert for City Council on Nov. 7th, 2023

In an era where political agendas often overshadow real progress, George stands out as a beacon of genuine commitment to our community. With a relentless work ethic and unmatched efficiency, he isn’t your typical political figure. In fact, he isn’t “political” at all. His focus? Real solutions for real issues. Discover the man behind the mission, a leader driven by the community’s needs rather than political gain.

Not a Politician

George isn’t in this for the title or recognition. He’s here because he genuinely believes in Louisville’s potential and wants to be at the forefront of its journey to a brighter future.

Executor, Not Just a Dreamer

While many talk a big game, George delivers. His track record is a testament to his commitment: when he says something will get done, it gets done. With George, it’s not about promises; it’s about tangible results for Louisville.

Listener First

Many leaders speak, but George listens. By actively seeking feedback from residents and stakeholders, he ensures every decision is made with the community’s best interests at heart.

George’s mission & Vision

Crafting Tomorrow’s Louisville: A Shared Vision for Prosperity and a Community United

Downtown Louisville Colorado

Business Growth

Breathing life back into downtown and the McCaslin Centennial Corridor by retaining our treasured businesses and welcoming fresh innovation.

Community Rebuild

Championing a resilient Louisville by assisting residents as they navigate the complexities of rebuilding, ensuring a smoother return to their homes.

Safer Streets

Ensuring the roads of Louisville are secure for every pedestrian, safeguarding our children’s paths to school and beyond.

Your Voice Matters

At the heart of every thriving community lies a collective voice — your voice. George Colbert understands the importance of listening to the very people he aims to serve.

Whether it’s about local business concerns, open space maintenance, or post-disaster rebuilding efforts, your concerns are his concerns.

By actively engaging with and valuing the feedback from residents like you, George is committed to ensuring Louisville’s future is co-authored by its people.

Invest in a Brighter Louisville

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Every contribution brings us one step closer to revitalizing our beloved Louisville. Your support is more than a donation; it’s a commitment to a future where our community thrives, businesses flourish, and every resident feels heard and valued. Let’s shape the future together.

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